The Study – Information leaflets

Information sheets

Here are copies of the information sheets for parents/carers and children to read before they agree to take part in the study. The consent form (or assent form for children) is also attached so you can see exactly what you will be agreeing too. As always, if you have any questions about any part of the process, you will be able to talk them through with the nurses or doctor who will be interviewing your child initially. We want everyone to feel fully informed and happy with the procedures.


Questionnaire for Invitation to Screening for 5 years and over:

RHINO respiratory and development questionnaire 5 and over v1.0 with invitation to trial

Part 1

Home visit (or research facility)

Invitation to screening visit – information and consent sheets for parents and term born children

Parent information sheet and consent (term screening)

Child information sheet and assent (term screening)

Invitation to screening visit – Information and consent sheets for parents and children born preterm

Parent information sheet and consent (preterm screening)

Child information sheet and assent (preterm screening)

Questionnaire study only

Parent information sheet (preterm questionnaire only)

Parent information sheet (term questionnaire only)

Part 2

Visit to lab

Information for parent whose child is partaking in trial (on steroids)  

Parent information sheet and consent (trial participants on steroids)

Information for parent whose child is partaking in trial (not on steroids)

Parent information sheet and consent (trial participants no steroids)

Information for child participating in trial

Child information sheet and assent (trial participants)

Information for parents of  pre term child  (control)

Parent information sheet and consent (preterm controls)

Information for parents of term child – control

Parent information sheet and consent (term controls)

Information sheet for child – control

Child information sheet and assent (all controls)


Pre visit peak flow diary (weaning steroids)

Peak flow and sympton diary (weaning steroids)

Symptom and Inhaler diary:

Peak flow and symptom diary (trial participants)

Peak flow diary for control children

Peak flow and symptom diary (controls)

Part 3

Visit to Sheffield – MRI

Information and consent sheets for parents and children born pre term – trial:

Parent information sheet and consent (trial participants)

Child information sheet and assent (trial participants)

Information for parents and children born pre term control:

Parent information sheet and consent (term controls)

Child information sheet and assent (all controls)

Information for parents and children born pre term control:

Parent information sheet and consent (preterm controls)